High Street Methodist Church

Sish Lane, Old Town, Stevenage SG1 3LS
We are a Methodist church from a variety of national traditions focussing on building a family of God within the local community
Minister: Rev Zdzisiu Hendzel
Email: hendzelhz@gmail.com
Web: https://www.facebook.com/HSMCStevenage
Sunday Services:
10.30 am Worship including junior church or all-age services
Features and Facilities
- Building
- Small car park, baby changing facilities
- Worship and Music
- Organ, piano, midi files
- Groups and Courses
- Regular house groups, church-based toddler group, church-based play and story session for 3-8 year olds,
- Other Information
- Monthly breakfast, bi-monthly bring and share lunches, food bank collection point. Various rooms for hire.